“Act as if what you do makes a difference, it does.” – William James
WARUM Unicorn Yoga?
Ready to empower kids for the rest of their lives?
“Children see Magic because they believe in it.” – Christopher Moore
Gain practical tools and learn HOW to teach yoga to children in a fun way. An exploration of the ABCs of kids yoga through play, dance and laughter!Educators, additional needs teachers, social workers, movement therapists, parents, phychologists, caregivers and yoga instructors looking to specialize in teaching kids yoga.
Vorkenntnisse in Yoga sind empfohlen, aber keine Voraussetzung für die Teilnahme an dieser Ausbildung. Ein pädagogischer Hintergrund ist ebenfalls von Vorteil
- ABCs Kinderyoga
- Unterrichtstechniken & Altersgruppen
- Yoga for Children with Additional Needs
- Yogastellungen, Spiele und Herausforderungen
- Atemtechniken, Entspannung & Stille-Techniken
- Familien-Yoga
- Yoga & Achtsamkeit in der Schule
- Unterrichtsstruktur & Planung
- Teaching Practice I & II
This course is a truly unique kids and family yoga training that will offer you a very solid pedagogical foundation as well as human rights tools to empower children for the rest of their lives.
Practically everything!
- 20 Hours Course (Contact and Non-Contact)
- All course Material
- An amazing 120+ pages Kids Yoga Teaching Manual
- Training Certificate*
*This training is certified and approved by Yoga Alliance under Yoga Alliance Continuing Education (YACEP). Meaning we meet the standards for content and quality to ensure a recognized professional and international Kids Yoga Teaching Training. If you are a certified 200-hour yoga teacher, you may register your course with Yoga Alliance after finishing the Continuing Education course. Please be aware that at the end of the training, you will be required to complete a brief project in which you teach a yoga lesson to children. To be eligible for a certificate, this assignment must be submitted in within a month of the training weekend.It is not necessary to register with Yoga Alliance in order to start teaching.
- 12th-14th April l Radiant Heart Yoga Studio l Zürich (Registration closes 25.03.)
- 21st-23rd June l Room 4 Pilates and Yoga l St Gallen (Registration closes 02.06.)
- CHF 777.- Standard Price
- CHF 666.- Early Bird Price (till 7th January 2024 for the training in April and 7th March for the one in June)
If you’d love to join but you’re unable to afford the full course fee, you can apply via e-mail for the reduced price of CHF390.- (Only one spot available).
Registration closes three weeks before the training begins.
To apply, first, choose the location and training date that suits you the best in 2024, and after that complete this application form.
Please note that only after receiving your application form, and payment confirmation to info@unicornyoga.ch your place in this training is secured.
Full training fee payment via bank transfer to the following bank account: CH67 0900 0000 3191 9490 0 PostFinance / CH- 4808 Zofingen / Ana Catalina Primo (St Gallen/ CH – 9000). Twint is also available.
All info you can find here.
Do you have questions about the training? Book your Free Discovery Call or write us an e-mail.
“This kids and family yoga training was very well rounded in all aspects – from themes and intentions to theoretical inputs and methods. The love, passion and knowledge of Catalina is felt throughout the program. We gained so many practical tools in such a short time! I recommend this training to anyone working or around children.” – Elena Baraff
"Mein Wunsch ist es, dass die formale Bildung eines Tages der Bildung des Herzens Aufmerksamkeit schenkt und Liebe, Mitgefühl, Gerechtigkeit, Vergebung, Achtsamkeit, Toleranz und Frieden lehrt" - Dalai Lama
Diese Sitzungen sind für alle, die bereit sind, revolutionäre Samen des Wohlbefindens und der Selbstfürsorge in das Leben von Kindern und Jugendlichen zu pflanzen. Yoga unterstützt Kinder und Jugendliche dabei, sich zu gesunden und ausgeglichenen Menschen zu entwickeln.
2.5 – 6 | 7 -12 | 13 -15 | 16 -18 years old
- Yoga-Haltungen
- Atemtechniken
- Spiele und Gruppendynamik auf der Grundlage von Yoga und Achtsamkeit
- Partner-Yoga
- Akro-Yoga
- Massagetechniken
- Grundlegende Yoga-Philosophie
- Geleitete Meditationen
- Den Teilnehmern lebenslange Instrumente zu vermitteln, um Selbstfürsorge und Bewusstsein in ihrem Leben zu kultivieren
- Verbesserung der körperlichen und geistigen Flexibilität, des Gleichgewichts und der Kraft
- Entwicklung eines natürlichen Bewusstseins und einer natürlichen Verbindung zwischen Geist, Körper und Atmung
- Förderung eines gesunden Umgangs mit den eigenen Emotionen, Gefühlen und Körperempfindungen
- Mitgefühl und Einfühlungsvermögen für sich selbst und andere zu kultivieren
We will start again in 2024 with our regular offerings for kids and teens, join our interest list to receive all updates.
“Behind every child who believes in himself is a parent who believed first” -Matthew Jacobsen
Come join us to connect, explore and discover the benefits that yoga can offer to your wonder-full family!
You can expect to have lots of fun together as you gain practical knowledge on yoga poses, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques.
Families with children between 3 – 10 years old.
- Check-in-Spiele/Energiespiele/Geschichten
- Atmungsübungen
- Aktive Bewegung und Yogastellungen
- Yoga-Spiele und Herausforderungen
- Self & family massage games
- Stillness & relaxation techniques
- Gemeinsam Spass haben
- Entwicklung einer Yoga-Familienpraxis, die es den Teilnehmern ermöglicht, sich gegenseitig zu überprüfen
- Stärkung der emotionalen Bindungen innerhalb der Familie
- Förderung von Werten wie Liebe, Akzeptanz und Respekt durch die Erfahrung von Yoga und Achtsamkeit
- Saturday, 11.05.24
- Saturday, 31.08.24
- Saturday, 21.09.24
- Saturday, 12.10.24
- Saturday, 09.11.24
- Saturday, 07.12.24
- 14:40-15:25 (for 3-6 y.o. / EN)
- 15:45-16:30 (for 3-6 y.o. / DE)
- 17:00-17:45 (for 7-10 y.o. / EN & DE)
Teachers Rada (DE) and Catalina (EN).
Place Radiant Heart Yoga Studio, Rüdigerstrasse 17, 8045 Zürich
1. Drop-in
- CHF 35 for families with 2-3 people
- CHF 42 for families with 4-5 people
2. Abo for 4 sessions
- CHF 133 for families with 2-3 people
- CHF 155 for families with 4-5 people
We’d love to have you join us! To apply:
- Complete this registration form.
- Send a copy of your payment confirmation to info@unicornyoga.ch a/o yogawithrada@gmail.com
- Receive a confirmation within the next 48 hours upon reception of the payment confirmation
- Let’s meet at the selected Kids & Family Yoga Special.s you registered for #whoopwhoop
Further questions? Write us an e-mail.
“Deine Vision wird nur dann klar, wenn du in dein eigenes Herz schaust. Wer nach aussen schaut, träumt; wer nach innen schaut, erwacht" – Carl Gustav Jung
MON Hatha & Meditation | 19:20-20:40 | Unisport SG | Uni students & staff
TU Power & Flow | 10:05-11:05 | Unisport SG | Uni students & staff
WE Hatha Flow | 18:30 – 19:45 | Room 4 Yoga, St Gallen | Open to all levels
1:1 private sessions provide a unique, safe and supportive Yoga experience tailored to your particular wishes a/o needs. Whether you’d like to explore Yoga as a therapy, build a/o strengthen an already existing Yoga practice, develop a personalised practice a/o focus on particular health issues, these sessions are available to respond to your unique needs.
If you feel curious, and would like to join – you’ll find all the info about the retreat here.
☾ Kindergeburtstagsfeiern & Familien-Yoga
☾ Regelmässige Yoga- und Meditationskurse Yoga & Art Workshops
☾ Check out other special events here
Pantalla Latina 2022 Film Festival | Body Image and the Art of Yoga |19th November 2022 | 10:00 – 12:00 | Museum im Lagerhaus (St Gallen)
Yoga mit Blick auf den See! | 24th April 2022 | | 10:00 – 12:00 | Würth Haus (Rorschach)
Yoga und Kunst | 20th April 2022 | 18:00 – 20:00 | Lokremise (St Gallen)
Yoga and Art für Familien | 17th July 2022 | 10:00 – 12:00 | Würth Haus (Rorschach)